Where Am I Essential?
It's a fascinating question. By seeking an answer, you get to remove the unwanted noise from life. You also permit yourself to gain greater control over the things that deserve your energy and focus.
It's a great adventure. Enjoy my wrap-up of what I've learned this month about what is essential.

Exploring the Theme: Where Am I Essential?
Everyone's journey is unique. The answers to your "essential" and my "essential" are different, as they should be. This is not a one-size-fits-all answer.
In fact, it's quite humbling, validating, and liberating that we all are needed in this world!

Meet Joani Elliott
I met Joani last year at the 2022 Storymakers Conference. We were the only two authors whose genre was labeled General, so we had the enjoyable opportunity of being tablemates during the mass book signing event. We shared a few author/life parallels and quickly became fast friends.
Joani is a joy to visit with, she has wonderful wit, insight, and literary wisdom. You will walk away a better person after getting to know her. Enjoy this month's spotlight!

Such a fun read! This has been the perfect book for me to enjoy while working on FOR THE ETERNAL, my final book in The Existence Series. Sara’s journey captures so many feelings of a writer at so many different stages of the writing journey. A true delight for any reader but especially one with a writing heart!
My Story: An Essential Question Answered through Family History
"These words are the exact answers I need as I continue on my quest. My grandma's life, my dad's life, and my own life are interconnected, each of our stories adding to a larger image emerging."
I took a risk and as a result, discovered a treasure in an unexpected place.

Where Am I Essential: An Interview with Joani Elliott
"I needed to write a story that would take me head first into all those challenging feelings all of us face as creatives." - Joani Elliott
Delightful interview! Author Joani Elliott has truly captured the writer's experience through her debut novel. A fantastic read! Check out her wonderful insights. Also, enter to win an autographed hardcover of The Audacity of Sara Grayson.

Life Lessons: What a Book Can Do!
"I can’t believe how much these first two chapters have already done for me...Such an exciting book. It gives me loads of hope and more importantly, I have an entirely different approach after reading it. Amazing how powerful books can be."
One story about a book changing lives.

Increase Gratitude, Growth and Giving, Become More: Interview with Dr. Tyler Elmore
"These people are so eager to learn, we quickly realized that with opportunities Cambodians would flourish. We also realized that the only difference between us and them was the availability of opportunities. This realization hit home and I started to think about where I really was essential."
This month's theme all began from a conversation I had with Dr. Tyler Elmore. He has dedicated his life to helping others heal, but what's interesting is how he views his influence. His insights have certainly challenged my own perspective of how I help others. I'm grateful to share his words.

Finding Your Essential
Have you joined the quest to find Where You Are Essential? Sometimes writing helps to clarify these questions of life. Even if you don't consider yourself a writer, but are open to seeing where your mind goes, I suggest trying out writing prompts.
For a chance to win Writing Down the Bones Deck: 60 Cards to Free the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg. enter this month's giveaway.

Scrapbook Moment
Author-Reader Connections
In 2019, I started the search for my "zookeeper" calling, or my quest for "Where am I essential". It's an ongoing journey, with many reminders I'm a work-in-progress, but I do know that seeking answers will lead to doors opening. Right after I identified a need, out of the blue, a representative from Author-Con contacted me about being a spokesperson for their 2019 event. The photo shows their booth at the Utah State Fair where they advertised this conference of bringing authors and readers together. At the video shoot, I was way outside my comfort zone and a bit unprepared, but I'm grateful for the experience. It taught me many things through the process—especially that if you see a need and want to help, the right opportunities come.

Last July, I sat next to my ten-year-old niece on a five-hour plane flight. What do you do during that time? Well...she had some pretty cool apps on her tablet, and she loves creating fun people, and I had plenty of characters I needed help visualizing. So she and I had creative time as I described a character and she mocked up an image for me.
For the Eternal, the last book in The Existence Series has a lot of new characters. I've enjoyed three other brainstorming sessions with some other special helpers. Delighted with these emerging characters.
The character-building is almost complete. Want a chance to name a character in the book? Be sure to enter this months' giveaway.
Status Update:
Chapters are coming together. By the end of the month, the first fourth of the book will be polished and solid. Still, lots of work ahead but it's getting closer to feeling real.
That's the sum up for March
This month I learned new insights and wisdom through many special experiences and from remarkable people. Next month will be foundational in continuing the growth for what is next! Hope you will join me during April's adventure!
Winners of March's giveaway will be posted in April's newsletter and on my social media accounts.