What if it can't be fixed? What if I am broken beyond repair? Why does something have to be wrong with me? Why does it have to be so hard?
I was tempted to feel forgotten by God or turn my back on Him. But I knew, and could not deny that we were not alone. Christ was there all along, through the whole experience, giving us the courage to move from moment to moment with faith and hope.
—Excerpt from Not Broken by Kay Lynn Wilson
I absolutely love this book! I am grateful Kay Lynn Wilson would share her story, all parts of it—the rawness along with the beautiful healing and miracles to expand her family. For some time, I have hoped that this book would find its way to those who need it. So it is with extreme joy that Patella Publishing Services gets to share Not Broken at our upcoming pop-up Christmas bookstores. Join us at the Crazy Daisy Christmas Show for this truly special event!
Kay Lynn Wilson will be signing books and answering questions on Dec 9 from 12 pm - 2 pm.

Book Description:
How does it feel to experience infertility? What is it actually like to adopt? This candid tale through the author's experience with infertility and adoption, including all the devastating sorrows, as well as the most joyful conclusions, can help any woman, especially members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as they journey through their own stories of feeling broken and finding healing. If you are wondering if anyone else has similar feelings in your path of infertility or adoption, you can find comfort in the raw thoughts and emotions of this book. For those who have felt broken because of infertility or any other difficult life circumstance, this personal narrative will bring tears, smiles, and longings in your own unique journey to healing.
Universal Themes:
Not Broken delves into some important family and life themes. Some specific themes include:
Overcoming adversity
Coping with infertility
Healing from disappointment and heartbreak
Recognizing miracles
Who Will Enjoy this Book:
Someone who is experiencing loss, especially because of infertility, or failed adoption; or someone who is beginning their journey into infertility or adoption; or someone who has felt broken because of things beyond their control and they need Christ’s healing.
Praise for Not Broken:
A spectacular journey that will help you - This is a must-read!!! Every sentence of the book is well-written. With every paragraph, I can feel how Kay was feeling. As a woman with a similar story but was finally able to get pregnant with a long and hard journey that included pain and headaches this book is just beyond words can explain. I love how she shares her story with her heartbeat in it. I had times I was crying as I was reading because I could feel every pain. This is definitely going to help people in many different ways.
"I cried more than once and felt like I was going through the experiences with the author. I felt hope, joy, disappointment, sorrow... and hope and joy all over again. I appreciated the inside view to what the adoption process is like (or may be like). It was more informative to me than most websites detailing the adoption process because of the narrative format. I think it gives a realistic view from a practical as well as an emotional standpoint. I particularly loved the way the family cared for and considered the birth mothers through each process. So beautifully written."
—J Tuttle
Connect with Kay Lynn Wilson:
Author Email: wearenotbroken.klw@gmail.com

Upcoming Pop-up Bookstore Events:
Catch Not Broken and other literary gems at:
Dates: December 8-9
Times: 1 pm - 8 pm, 10 am - 8 pm
Location: Mountain America Expo Center
Address: 9575 S State St., Sandy, Utah
*Kay Lynn will be signing books on Dec 9th from noon - 2 pm